How to Care for Brass Hardware: Ensuring Longevity and Shine

Brass hardware, with its warm golden hue, can bring a touch of elegance to any space. However, maintaining its lustre and preventing tarnish can be a challenge. This article will guide you through the best practices for caring for brass hardware, answering common questions and providing tips to keep your brass items looking their best.

Understanding Brass and Tarnishing

Before diving into the maintenance tips, it's essential to understand what brass is and why it tarnishes. Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc, known for its durability and corrosion resistance. Tarnishing occurs due to a chemical reaction between brass and the surrounding air, leading to a dull and discoloured appearance.

Preventing Brass Tarnish

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is key to preventing tarnish. Dust and dirt can accelerate the tarnishing process, so frequent wiping with a soft, dry cloth is recommended.

Use of Protective Coatings

One of the most effective ways to prevent brass from tarnishing is the application of protective coatings. Our solid brass hardware products come with an added advantage in this regard. They have been lacquered as standard, providing an extra layer of protection against air and moisture – the main culprits behind tarnishing. This lacquer coating acts as a barrier, maintaining the brass's original sheen and colour for a longer period.

Despite this protective lacquering, it's still recommended to handle the brass items with care. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals for cleaning, as these can wear down the lacquer over time. For cleaning lacquered brass, a soft, dry cloth is usually sufficient to remove any surface dust or fingerprints. If more thorough cleaning is needed, use a mild, soapy water solution, but ensure to dry the brass item completely afterward to prevent water spots.

Remember, the lacquer prolongs the brass's pristine condition but does not make it immune to wear and tear. Regular, gentle cleaning remains essential to maintain its appearance and extend its lifespan.

Proper Storage

When not in use, store brass items in a dry, cool place. Avoid humid environments as moisture can accelerate tarnishing.

Maintaining Brass Fixtures and Items

Routine Cleaning

For routine cleaning, use a mixture of warm water and mild dish soap. Gently scrub with a soft cloth, rinse with clean water, and dry thoroughly.


For restoring shine, use a brass polish available in the market. Follow the instructions carefully and use a soft cloth to apply the polish.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Harsh chemicals and abrasive materials can damage the brass surface. Stick to gentle, brass-safe cleaning agents.

Addressing Tarnish and Dullness

Stopping Brass from Tarnishing

While it's impossible to stop brass from tarnishing entirely, regular cleaning and proper storage can significantly slow down the process.

Keeping Brass from Getting Dull

Regular polishing and applying a thin layer of a specialist lacquer can keep brass from losing its lustre and becoming dull.


  1. How do you keep brass hardware from tarnishing? Regularly clean and occasionally apply a protective coating like lacquer or wax.

  2. How do you maintain brass fixtures? Clean with mild soap and water, and polish with a brass-safe polish.

  3. How do you maintain brass items? Keep them dry, clean them regularly, and polish as needed.

  4. Can you stop brass from tarnishing? You can't stop it entirely, but regular maintenance can slow it down.

  5. How do you keep brass from getting dull? Applying a specialist lacquer can prevent brass from getting dull.

    Maintaining brass hardware requires a gentle touch and regular care. By understanding the nature of brass and its reaction to the environment, you can take proactive steps to keep your brass items shining bright. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and occasional polishing and lacquering can go a long way in preserving the beauty and longevity of your brass hardware.